In order to protect at least part of the natural wonders of Kos, a number of Natura regions have been created allowing nature to flourish
The mountains are numerous with the biggest mountain range covering the South western part of the island where the shores are really abrupt and difficult to access. There are also quite a few mountains in Kefalos but they are mostly bare as opposed to the ones in the Dikaios mountain range where pine forests abound.Nature seems to adapt. On a number of these mountains there are amazing vantage points with stunning views. Zia’s sunset is an all time favorite for most visitors but there are many other places like Old Pyli, mount Psoriaris, or the top of the Dikaios mountain from where you can admire panoramic views of the island and on clear days most of the surrounding islands.
There are also plenty of rivers/streams with abundant water flowing from end of October to April/May. These can mostly be found in the Asclipeion and Dikaios areas and feature a number of waterfalls that are truly impressive. In Kefalos the Mia river is truly an unexpected site, a marvel of nature, in an otherwise very bare terrain. Springs are practically everywhere in all the mountainous regions of the island and some have structures built around them such as the Vourina Spring (a spring from ancient times that still provides Kos Town with most of its water), the Pyli Spring, the Poria Spring, just to name a few. There are also some thermal springs. A couple of them are to be found in the heights just behind the Asclepeion. Not surprising, in the least, since they were after all an important component of the Hippocratic remedy to many ills. One of the springs produces some white water while the other one produces reddish water. These springs are not widely visited, at least not as much as the Thermal Springs in Aghios Fokas where a pool of hot thermal waters awaits you for a dip. Since the 2017 earthquake the emanating heat has risen dramatically and the water in the pool is unbearably warm so most people remain in the periphery where the water mixes with the much colder sea water.
I hope this overview has piqued your interest and tempted you to experience some of the marvels of nature depicted above first hand. For more details you can always click on the link of the places referenced. Enjoy!!!